Zambia 2006

    • Barotseland huts
    • Baobab & floodplain
    • Lozi musician
    • Kanzungula ferry crossing
    • Tight fit
    • Cargo transport
    • November, and the rainy season is about to start
    • Kabula Safari Camp
    • Traditional performance on the mango road
    • Zambia-Angola border on the Kwando River
    • Liuwa Plains
    • Wildebeest migration
    • 360 degrees of flat landscape
    • Migratory herds congregate on the plains
    • Ngonye Falls is a spectacular sight
    • Kabula fishing camp on the Zambezi
  • Zambia-Angola border on the Kwando River

    Barotseland is one of the most culturally fascinating parts of Zambia. The Barotse floodplains of the Zambezi River are home to the cattle-farming Lozi. During our visit in late October early November, we had a foretaste of dramatic rainstorms and witnessed one of Africa’s last great undisturbed animal migrations.

    Thousands of wildebeest arrive annually from Angola to give birth on the grassland of the Liuwa Plains. The national park is extremely remote and the entire reserve (3 660km2) is founded on soft Kalahari sand, making access difficult. Oribi are particularly abundant, so too red lechwe and hyaena.

    Ngonye Falls, upstream from Vic Falls, is spectacular, a 20m high horseshoe cataract. To reach the best viewpoint, we were poled across in a mokoro.

    Sioma Ngwezi National Park is wedged against the border of Angola and Namibia and has no facilities. Its wildlife is yet to recover from poaching.